Base58 and Base58Check implementation compatible with what is used by the bitcoin network.
Install base58 module from the command line:
pip install base58
Code example
import base58 text = 'Hello from maxpython' base58Str = base58.b58encode(text.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') print(base58Str) text = base58.b58decode(base58Str).decode('utf-8') print(text)
This is what I saw in the thonny repl window
>> %Run code.py
Hello from maxpython
Command line usage
$ printf "hello world" | base58
$ printf "hello world" | base58 -c
$ printf "3vQB7B6MrGQZaxCuFg4oh" | base58 -dc
hello world
$ printf "4vQB7B6MrGQZaxCuFg4oh" | base58 -dc
Invalid checksum
Module usage
>>> import base58
>>> base58.b58encode(b'hello world')
>>> base58.b58decode(b'StV1DL6CwTryKyV')
b'hello world'
>>> base58.b58encode_check(b'hello world')
>>> base58.b58decode_check(b'3vQB7B6MrGQZaxCuFg4oh')
b'hello world'
>>> base58.b58decode_check(b'4vQB7B6MrGQZaxCuFg4oh')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "base58.py", line 89, in b58decode_check
raise ValueError("Invalid checksum")
ValueError: Invalid checksum
# Use another alphabet. Here, using the built-in XRP/Ripple alphabet.
# RIPPLE_ALPHABET is provided as an option for compatibility with existing code
# It is recommended to use XRP_ALPHABET instead
>>> base58.b58encode(b'hello world', alphabet=base58.XRP_ALPHABET)
>>> base58.b58decode(b'StVrDLaUATiyKyV', alphabet=base58.XRP_ALPHABET)
b'hello world'